On to greener things. So day two (02) of this blog. I like photos, don't U ? So I hope to post maNY PHOTOS AND VIEWS OF WHAT i TALK ABOUT... SORT OF A PICTORIAL (damn... CAP LOCK) conversation so 2 speak.
I know this is a blog on medical cannabis growing in the Monterey Bay of California.... but at times I'm probably gonna ramble on about other "Life" type things. Like the fools that woke me up at 4:30am tuhis morning. Oh well.... They'll never get to smoke my bud... so there !!! If I don't give it 2 U, you'll never see it. I don't sell my bud... I give it away !!! ask and! Real Bros...
Hey... check out the "Moms Room", bros, theres some decent genetics in this room! 2 those that follow the Dog Pound and ask, who knows.......4real...
Well looks like it's a cloning day in the Dog Pound......
Stick around and kick it.
Any friends out there specially in the 831, log on and comment. Tell me what's up with the blog.
do U want 2 see more in the Mom Room?
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