As always. . . here at the Breaker Bros Co-op we are looking for the better way. So when one of the bros, “Big B” aka “the Youngster”, or “The Onion”, to me he’ll just always be the “The Kid”. Anyway, I feel he’s the next up and coming threat, for the title of “Indoor King of California”, told me about his new R&D project. So with the invite to watch first hand, I grabbed my good old GEA950 camera (9 megapixels for 40 bucks @ Best Buy, check my blog for the review) anyway oh yeah… and off I went to the Breaker Bros Indoor Compound.
Well the theory, goes pretty like this. after you freeze them, you knock them off, you let em sink, you collect them. . . trichomes were talking…. So Big B. decided one day how about forcing them off with a pressure washer. . . . how he came to this idea???? He tells me he was kicking it with the fellas from Mean Green Delivery & Collective, who just recently opened their delivery service for us, Medical Card carrying people. Anyway they were talking, and came up with the idea of Hydro Flushing, I know, I know, but before you start. . . . just check the photos, cause I was skeptical myself. So lets look at some photos…… this is a good place to mention…..
The Disclaimer.
The information provided on this thread is strictly for educational purposes and in no way do the owners and staff of this website encourage these techniques, processes, and/or use of these materials.
We also encourage that you search out more information on the subjects covered, until you have a good understanding of materials, techniques, and the safety of processing and handling of these. Safety is paramount
and of course… my standard preface:
If you are here… to bash and trash, techniques, materials, ideas, or persons, PLEASE MOVE ON TO THE NEXT BLOG!
First off, the power for this hydro flush process is our Ryobi RB800 Pressure Washer, 7 HP, Gas Driven. If you have seen my web page you will know we use this piece of equipment for other garden maintenance, and preventive maintenance procedures. I can not stress enough the use of proper safety and ecological procedures.
The use of the pressure washer is not to be taken lightly. If your hand or finger are hit by the high power water stream from the tip, can cause serious skin and muscle damage. I recommend that you read your equipments, owners manual, or go to their web site as. Again safety is of the highest priority.
As you see, ours is not the newest, but it does do it’s job,including as you will see, flush a few trichomes into some screens….
Isn't much to look at but… it does put out.
As I stepped in to our, ” R & D Complex” (Garage), I was noticed, two (02) 32 gallon Garbage Containers on top of a piece of 3/4 plywood supported on top on our 55 gallon RO water reservoir. Very Interesting … Have a look below . . . That’s Big B, doing the “funky chicken” dance, while filling the upper 32 gallon can with a little ice.
Notice that there are two (02) containers one in the other. well he has drilled numerous (One hundred +) 1/8 inch holes with a few 1/2 inch ones for good measure, in the bottom of the upper container sort of a king size kitchen colander. Now his thinking was only the outer edge was indented at a lower position, so he only drilled that area, as he felt most of the flow would be to this lower ringed area, I concur, but still may have drilled the whole bottom somewhat.
the one on the bottom he has inserted a 2 inch gate valve at the bottom, which he then added a 90 degree turn, pointing in the down direction. Like so…

Hope you can see…
That Gate valve dumps into a another 32 gallon can stacked with our standard 20 gallon Bubblebag Setup. Now he is using the 20’s here, with no ice-bed around the receiving container/Bubble bag stack.. As we usually do.
Here's a look at the whole setup.
After some thought Big B realized that He’d still have some “particulate” get by… being that the drilled top container was not screened..
he decided to just wrap a bag around the 2 inch gate valve. (Notice our nail polish patch job on the 20 Gal work bag)
So w
now we start loading the Ice and Material. In goes the ice… bout 9 to 10 lbs to start, the material is in great shape… kept frozen for 2 or 3 weeks, All Strain specific (Blue Dream……Oh the bouquet). Looks like he put little over 2 lbs, for this first run.
NO WATER….. repeat .. NO WATER…..We toss it like a big salad… get the ice well distributed, and let it get it’s chill on, for a bit. Now Big B, in the mean time, started warming up the pressure washer (gas driven.. don’t u know….), puts on the “standard” tip or, “general use” tip. Now you can use any tip you choose, just be aware, and keep hands out of the line of that water jet stream.
So Big B gets the wand in the can and gets to “spraying it down” proper.
So after a good spray (of about 10 gal by volume) we let it sit, and “freeze up” a little, bout 30 to 40 minutes.

Well my bad….maybe a little more than 10 gallons of water… As you can see, He uses the spray wane as his “stirring stick”,

As it sits, he gets the bag stack together
Yeah man !!!!!!
Hold it now!!!!! watch your back step….. Had to use some of the transplant area to set up this ” Run”. Now it’s seems to be about the proper time got nice frost on the sides of our trash cans. the meter sezs its a good 4 degrees C…
He decides to open the valve…….. and here it comes. At the same time he's up top with the water wand washing the trichs rite off the material……….
Yeah I know….. Screw all the dumb shit……… lets pull some sacks… RITE

Check this is this “a hunk, a hunk, of burning love” or what….
So basically.. we pulled the sacks accordingly, Now Big B tries to stay current on the latest techniques. So he shows me this new “twist grind” thing with the drying screen. It seems to work real …as you can judge yourself.
You just drop your blob in the center of your drying screen and twist it up in a strawberry, wring it out, then after you’ve done that a time or two… you literally, “rub it out” of the screen in small clumps, onto a plate or a drying surface. So you be the judge, here's what it looked like.
As I mentioned we (Breaker Bros Co-op) are currently kinda tight on room. Looks like we will be looking for a new spot. As are lease on the grow is up and not looking good for a renewal. If ANY ONE KNOWS of a spot for rent please contact us. Any way
Big B using our Veg tray drops that 90 blob in the center of the screen.
starts working it to the middle and into a ball shape

Now pulling it into a tight strawberry
And wring out excess water
Rub it up and out onto paper shop towels, or sham-wow into small clumps

When still moist we jar it and from there we can go in any direction of extract form we choose, (Melt, pressed, butter, traditional hash, temple balls,etc.)

It wasn’t to bad a yield at all.

So i hope this was at least interesting to those of you that like to explore different processes, as well as techniques.
personally I think you can get away with using one of those inexpensive small garage pressure washers, the wall plug type. might even be more effective.
So until again