Now this may be a poor subject for some…the use of “Chore Boy” as a smoking aid. But here at the Dog Pound we are always looking for a better way.. So I myself smoke BHO from time to time. Now I’m not here to debate the pros and con’s of BHO’s use. I'm here to show you how I smoke it. Which I feel is one of the safest, most efficient ways, popping (of doing it) right now.
For those that have not been put up on “Chore Boy” the brass wool pot scrubbing tool. as a smoking aid then your parents may have done a fairly good job.
Well I’m an old OG so my history is kinda thick… but “back in the day” I learned this way of smoking various oils, with the help of a hunk of “Chore Boy”. of course it has that negative shadow of “CRACK’ cocaine… all around it. Even now.. as you read this… some may be turned off by it. But I’m here to tell you.. done right and you will really see what puffing Full Melt and/or hash oil is really about. Throw all the Ti plates, curved bells, skillets, nails …… in the drawer. Let me show you how we puff it here in California.. at the Dog Pound…..
but first …
The information provided on this thread is strictly for educational purposes and in no way do the owners and staff of this website encourage these techniques, processes, and/or use of these materials.
We also encourage that you search out more information on the subjects covered, until you have a good understanding of materials, techniques, and the safety of processing and handling of these. Safety is paramount
Of course my standard preface:
If you are here to bash and/or trash, techniques, materials, ideas, or persons, PLEASE MOVE ON TO THE NEXT BLOG!
Now.. I tend to use the “Chore Boy” brand, but there are other brands that work out there.
I get a small loose ball together about 3/4 the size of the bowl I’m using
I then open it up, flatten it out, and burn off the varnish or what ever the finish that keeps the steel wool nice and brite. So with a torch I burn it off real good..
Burn it real proper.. different angles, keep the flame moving, then rub it out.. to get off any burnt dust, or debris out of the nest..
then based on bowl size.. make a loose to medium density “birds nest” is the best I can describe it.
Now you might want to try pulling it apart by hand, to get the size you want,
just cut it with scissors, it’s neater, and easier.
Just drop it on in there
This BHO I have right now has done cured into a solid, with a very low melting point. probably around 95 to 96 degrees.
starts melting to your touch. It gets sticky real quick, all over your knife, table, hands…
Now you can do it how you please… But i find it easier to get the oil or Full Melt, in the wool by taking it out of the bowl for better control and ease.
I wipe a good ole spot in the center of the “nest”
to canna-itate on that Monterey Bay sunrise…
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