All photos are of legal medical grows, as defined by the State of California, and the county in which they were taken.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just how long has it been…

Well its been a few months (like around 36 months… I think….), since I last posted here or anywhere…. Funny how life can change just like that……As did mine. My mental Health, and financial status were under attack by “the Haters”…… Right then an opportunity I jumped on it… with both feet… I moved out of the city, to the North country and I mean country… not even one traffic light in the town, and probably half the population is off the grid.  I love it… oh this transition has not been an easy one. Things have happened that have not been good for me, or my life, and continue to be so, which I may…. or may not …..decide to write about. As I said, I love the area, and most of its people, but they aren't all loving me…

So much has happened in the last three years, I wouldn’t know what to write about, to bad, I'm not one to keep a journal, I just cant remember to write in it… my memory is so really bad… like my eye sight.

Suffice it to say I'm up in  Northern California, doing what I love…. Just trying to slowly live life, trying to stay young… at least in mind and attitude.

I really don ’t know what I'm gonna write in these following days but I'm gonna see if I can get fired up, writing about my daily doings, like I use to.

I hope I can write about some things that some one who may read this, might find it amusing or interesting, no matter the subject matter. I write what I know , what I see, what I experience.

So let me tell ya a little about this place I've found myself loving…. I haven't seen a whole lot of it but what I've seen I love…..

Here's a Hodge Podge of photos taken during my last 3 years here. Now there's more winter photos than the rest… not that its any nicer than summer……. As much as I hate being cold.. I love the winters here, of course that’s with heat…. of course….. anyway……



Jake at  two or three months…. Dang he’s cute….huh



Forgot the name of this flower I grew…..check the pistils on that…. Healthy flower…. I think it would make a great poster



Same flower but with some company



Forest fire topping the hill last summer… Hey it was no joke, came just one ridge over from us. Heck you think I didn’t have the truck packed and ready to evac….



Now is that one kick ass burl or what????? love to cut that one in half….



There is also decent size trout here also



Some type plum tree in front of house, needs to be trimmed now, winter snow broke some limbs



Lil froggy… posted up..on point for mites…. now that’s good plant and soil biology there..



just one of many snow topped mountains that surround us…beautiful I tell ya



a little water, some place right off Hwy 36



another nice looking place on Hwy 36



and one more nice view looking west from Hwy 36….



one of the many jalapenos I grew.. Flame on



“KIKI” the cat, showed up 2 years ago wouldn’t leave, threw rocks at him and all. still held tough. So I finally fed him, took him to the Vet, and you know the rest of the story. Now he holds down the garage, when not out raiding the neighbors yards



Hwy 3 looking North West



just looking out the back door just a few weeks back



fallen oak tree limb that wrecked the fence, Ill be burning that sucker next winter



another nice poster photo… just my opinion…..

I thought I had more winter photos…. I was mistaken….

So anyway all the photos are by phone camera……. Not to bad…

well… good place to see if I can upload this using a iphone hotspot internet connection..


until again………

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