All photos are of legal medical grows, as defined by the State of California, and the county in which they were taken.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving


U bring the turkey………

I’ll bring the turkey bags!!!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Aqua Lab’s 420 Bags


The 420 Bags distributed by AquaLab Technologies come complete

IMG00161     with the drying screen, and a black storage sack.

   IMG00163_2     420 Bags are made of industrial strength, medical grade, water proof nylon. They are sewn with parachute stitching, Every seam is also taped on the open side, definitely quality workman ship and materials.IMG00170IMG00162_2   420 Bags are one of the companies out there doing that mesh screen sidewalls thing. 420’s sidewalls are 2 inches high, The claim is….. that it makes for quicker draining, less stress and longer life. In any case they (sidewalls) are very well done. They guarantee true mesh sizes, all seams are tight…… the workmanship on these sacks is very good.  Made in the U.S.A.  . . .   Hoo-Ra

IMG00159IMG00157  The 420 Bags are color coded and micron mesh size labeled on the side of each bag

They also have a drawstring, and metal grommets, a very nice touch on the 5 Gal and up bag sizes.  On top of all that they carry a full 1 year warranty. 

That’s all fine and dandy but how’d they work????

Well let me tell you about it. On getting the bags from AquaLabs I was excited,  I’m a “hope 2 die”  OB (Original BubbleBag), from back n da day when that’s all there was….. was Bubble Bags. Anyway….Being I’m not any one special… I buy the items I review. So on 4-20-2010, AquaLabs ran a 420 sale. I saw these 8 bag sets so I thought what the heck, now is a good time to try these 420 Bags , 8 bag set for under a yard... I was also lucky I bought the 1 Gal bucket, cause you do need one. I looked locally I have yet to find one in the places I did look. So anyway I had a couple Oz's of some Blue Dream trim with some “Larf” in there also.  So off I went to do a quick  run. 

Theses bags have very thick upper bag so its easy to roll them up like shirt sleeves and stack em on top of each other, that’s the way I do it,  I  rolled them down till the screen siding started, then stack em in order, it works great.

GEDC0469    The stiff upper bag helps to keep standing up for a nice dry out after use.

During the first run I noticed my 20 micron bag would not catch anything. Now in my experience the 25 micron  bag will always SHOW SOME COLOR. So upon a closer look with a magnifying glass, I found that the 20 micron and 45 micron bags had somehow been mislabeled. I contacted AquaLabs and they were more than happy to send out a new bag. Outstanding customer service by AquaLabs.

Don’t know if you caught my comment on the 20 micron bag. That’s rite, 420 Bags use a 20 mic bag where BubbleBags use 25 mic bag. Something I just became aware of. I  agree with those who feel the 25 mic bag catches only the broken and smashed heads, broken “trich” stems and fine particulate.  The money (FMCD) is somewhere  between the 43mic to 90 mic area in my opinion.

IMG00158   As for the 2 inch screen sidewall, I found that at this size the one (01) gallon bags that during the draining that the flow was from dead center bottom with little to none coming from the sides. Now in the 5 gal or 20n gal size it may be a different story. I don't think the 1 gal  have enough volume to get it to flow out the sides. The draw strings are worthless, in my opinion, but the brass grommets would be very helpful at the 5 and 20 gal sizes….. for sure.

GEDC2490  Where I found the biggest difference was in harvesting the “trichs” off the screen. Now I use the “drum bowl” method. insert a bowl smaller than your bag screen and pull tight into a drum head, then with credit card, spoon, putty knife, or your tongue…. scrape it off and deposit in a nice pile on drying screen or it’s equal. All the seams from the sidewalls make the screen a bit stiff, and unruly, you have to pay attention to the seams and the bowl edge, but after one or two “try's”, it’s not no biggie,

All in all I found the 420 Bags to be very well made, easy to use and clean. As for the 2 inch sidewalls, as I  mentioned at this size (1gal) they did not seem to work, but did not hurt either. They produced a good yield, and I wish I would have not gotten side tracked or I’d have some puffing photos of the yield. ahh next time.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pressed Balls . . .

Pressing..  now here “at the Dog Pound” pressing really doesn’t mean “pressing”. . .  Let me lay down more foundation. we don’t press the usual way.. by heat and pressure,  Most people, heat it to soften, then press it by squeezing, with rolling pin, car jack, or twist screw….well we do squeeze sort of, but kinda low impact.

We start by weighing out one (01) gram units of any Bubble, or Dry Sieve powder that we have deemed worthy of this process. Once that is done, we have these pieces of 3 inch by 3 inch squares of cut t shirt or boxer shorts. High end material that has some type elastic pull to it.  Deposit the Bubble powder dead center. then work and pull it into a ball,

Now some like to use “dry heat” in which case…. just lay it on a heater for 10 or 15 minutes. Now I like to drop mine in boiling water for about 5 seconds then let it dry. whatever the case I DO NOT squeeze or press the ball. I have…. but I feel  it changes the hash. Oh don’t get me wrong… it still does what God intended it to do, but the smoke is a more, deeper, hardy type. I like the lighter smoke that is produced by not touching the ball  until ready. I let the natural pull of the elastic clothe pull the powder together…. it produces such a nice tight ball, with a firm case hardened exterior, and a soft light fragrant interior, with the texture of warm brie …. that is a joy to cut open….. yeah man….

and if you can manage to keep a jar full of em, curing for a few months

GEDC1523  once pulled into a ball, we use bread or plant ties to wrap the ball up tight as in the photo.

GEDC1522  and Viola….

GEDC1505       a nice little line of one gram balls  

GEDC1517  nice looking…. yeah

    GEDC1852     can u smell that?    Whoa….

GEDC1847 GEDC1843        Or slice it off in slabs like a bread loaf.


Personally I heat it prior to putting it in the bowl I just hold a flame up to the ball, finger, patty, or whatever shape. hold the hash over a flame, Then once it warms,I scratch, or rub till it falls off the ball, in a fluffy pile, or rite into the bowl.  I think you‘ll find it’s also a smoother smoke this way.

I'm hoping to wrap em a few handfuls up in foil like this


GEDC2457  and give em away for Xmas….. Canna Kisses.