All photos are of legal medical grows, as defined by the State of California, and the county in which they were taken.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trying to "get back at it" .....again......this is "get back at it" try #3

Get back at it (writing daily ) is what I meant..

Anyways for some reason I felt like writing something on my blog which I've ignored.... due to being hit with a big dose of "writing block", and depression ... and after watching what was, and is, happening in social media and blogs all over... "Invasion of the Haters"..... the internet is now a spot for Haters, and bullies, to gather and unite under the banner of hate..  On so many forums... all they do is argue and flame.. They gang up on those they deem unworthy..... all Haters are anonymous or use an alias ...... they write things they would never say to your face.... or anyone's face.....their Moms taught them better.... they rally together like fish feeding..... They invade your life trying to get a least tidbit of info to use to hate on you.....

I suppose they have rubbed off on me... some...... because I Hate "them.... the Haters",  so enough with these sort of people....... the internet has gave these haters...... some cover to hide behind.... so they spit their venom at all those that do not conform to their ways.... anyway........ screw em...

On to more important things...... like whatzzzz up........ looking for some kick 420ish type photos to throw up.

Yeah let me show you tonites line up....

getting on about 6 pm Pacific Time.... give or take...... I'm gonna try to get like this silly duck

while I got this open range beef "T Bone" marinating...........
then gonna pull out some of last seasons, "Gush".......... an puff me enough to bring the fog in......


Then gonna cook and eat that steak, matter of fact........ I'm gonna pause here
 be right back with full stomach....

So I'm back....stuffed. Was shoveling it......only chewing, like every third bite............

Hey so check out these seeded BOG Bubble, 8 outta 10... I'm cool with that.... 80% germ rate...hoping for 6 females out of those 8.....

BOG Bubble 
So yeah...
I flowered out all my last years cloning stock..... so I went and spent some dough on some killer seeds, from various breeders... as well as my own seed stock....
I grow veggies also...well watermelon and corn...a few  onions....  Made some killer watermelon seeds last year.. some germed in 4 days...  Seeing its only me, Kiki the cat, and Jake, my road dog.. so not much veggie garden needed for one human, Probably should be growing potatoes too.... as you can see I'm a "meat and potatoes" kinda guy... anyway...
so here's the  big seed lineup.... it was like hard to choose... so many many breeders...and so little dough... well $300 bucks isn't little money for me....most seeds from top breeders are running like $10 to $15 per seed, on average.... some breeders actually are priced  higher than that.... so you can see, it's a big money move for me, to get some decent Bona Fide Mother stock..... for cloning and seed.
 I really wanted Bog's "Sour Bubble".... Found it at GTA seeds for $100 for 13 pack.... but its $20 shipping and handling. Too much for me and my budget.... at least this go round. I did have a purchasing plan.... well.... sort of.  I wanted good recognized breeder seeds, that had good bouquet (smell), a decent yield, and could bring the fog in. All at a good price... not any of that 200 bucks a pack... I wish.. I'm a cheapo anyways.... Like all these strains will be what I grow rest of the year.... well......I'll try... Since I'm a "Seed" Monster..
So.......... this is what I bought....
"BOG Bubble "         BOG Seeds
"Critical Hog"          TH Seeds
"Grapefruit"             Emerald Triangle Seeds
"Sour Puss"              TH Seeds
"MK-Ultra"              TH Seeds
"Chronic"                 Serious Seeds 
seeds in water soak
Of course, as usual, They kicked down some freebie seeds with my order  all were single fem seeds... of those... 3 were autos... have never grown one, but wait for my next post....cause I put those autos in the ground, I'm really tripping on their growth patterns.... 2 of them already kicking out waves of pistils.. full flower under 18/6 lighting, in 4 of them... Bubblegum by Delicious seeds.. looking real decent... Anyway Ill give a full accounting on that little adventure in growing. if it wasn't for some good info on autos, gleamed from THC Farmer forum, I probably wouldn't have done as being my first time out growing autos... and didn't have a clue... Got some mixed feelings on them.. but I'll wait till they finish to see what kinda high, and taste they have... but I do know this........ now that so many breeders are selling them now..... so some think that due to all the breeding activity with autos. they no longer have a really short life span. use to be like 60 days start to finish.. now its more like 10 to 12 weeks or more to finish if your looking to yield their full potential... So whats the big draw??? I don't get  it.. its like almost the same amount of time to just grow regular seed. They only get up around  3 foot tall with some auto strains... and the yield is like around an ounce or so per plant.... And get this..... they are priced the same as reg seeds... $10 to $15 bucks per.... So the investment trying to run an early outdoor season, is substantial.... as well as low yielding. anyway... Ill get some photos of them to throw up soon.
So Hey.......whats the scoop on this new "Dry Sift" thing..... utube is full of it... I'm about to explore this "Dry Sifting" thing myself.. It'll be my next journey... waiting on my order of screens now... Only went for 2 screens.. really all you need... anyway if I like the Technique.... I can always add a screen. The screens should be here in a day or 2...
Well gonna stop here.... gotta save some for the next post