All photos are of legal medical grows, as defined by the State of California, and the county in which they were taken.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Bad…..

Anyway this is the correction for and earlier posting I stated that I had purchased my GE A950 at “Best Buys” but It was SEARS that had the A950 for 39 bucks, now that's the non-rechargeable, standard double AA batteries model, the NI-Cad Rechargeable Model is around 69 bucks I think..@ Best Buy.

IMG00183 IMG00184

Here I was downloading more photos and not believing just how Good the Basic GE 950 is ……. 4 real hey its 9.1 megapixel w/ 30 video ability. For 39 bucks. Hey….for 39 bucks felt i had to say some thing.

The Dog Pound Highly recommends the GE A950

In keep trying to finish up on our latest adventure in cold water extraction, the “Hydro Flush Process”, We flush them trichomes rite off……..

I also uploaded some photos of the local area onto my windows live spot “FuzzDog’s 831”. check it out. Just photos I shoot along the way. Just what I find of interest, whatever that may be that day, be it, human, plant, animal, color, or pattern.


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Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Face

Just thought I’d throw this on up on the blog… Hopefully it’s an indication of good things to come.

Yeah I blasted two (02) tubes of oil in my little bowl, the other day. I got it out to air it out, I was checking thickness when I noticed this like…” happy face” with this sly grin checking me out…Whoa…. what u think, kinda looks like he’s grinning slyly……… yeah

GEDC2064 What ya think…maybe???GEDC2066 GEDC2070

Hey check out the paper towel bonnet… I put on the dish while curing. I think it helps in letting it gas off, but keeps dust and particulate out. I like curing my oil for a short while, about 30 to 60 days…Usually can’t wait much longer than that, though.

Still working on some articles with some meat. Got a few getting close to being finished.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dog Hair Pucks

Just an update to let you see these Dog Hair Pucks made in Yogurt cups. I really  got a good head of hair going… Probably brew up a gallon or two with one of them. Check em out.

GEDC1191 not bad.. ya think?GEDC1195 nice….GEDC1197 yogurt cupGEDC1199 check those runs of hairGEDC1202 Anyway just had to show them off. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted….  hope this is the beginning of more to come.

This is a kinda Part 2 of 3 Parts. This Part 2 is mostly about ingredients that can be used in making your type tea. As you will see in Part 2, you can really tweak this stuff. Part 3 of 3 will be the recipes that the Dog Pound and myself use.

So until then